1. There is respawning, even when in a single area walking back will mean fighting bad guys you killed 15 minutes ago.
2. The guns are mostly the same 10 gun models with some minor visual modifications. The thing that varies is the upgrades and the price of the gun. This could have been at least as good if there was a set list weapons which you could than modify. After a while trading in the guns and switching guns is a bit transparent and you just wish there was a fiscal currency to purchase stuff with.
3. The enemies all mostly look the same. They just level up as you do. This is a bit lazy of 2K who should have offered many more types of enemies to populate the world with.
4. There is little interaction with other inhabitants of Pandora and there are very few inhabitants. Something that is really noticeable after playing the AMAZING Fallout 3. The missions are also pretty superfluous, as you are running them for people you never meet or talk to.
5. The story and characters lack any emotional connection or depth
6. The game play which is challenging and initially action packed becomes repetitive
7. You can't save your game and retry sections of the game. The game is auto saved under your character, which 2K must have thought was helpful but instead it robs you of being able to replay checkpoints you screwed up and getting better at them.
8. There's no cover system.
9. It just feels like a B grade game made by a team who are learning how to make a new generation shooter and producing a shooter which would have stood out 2 years ago.
1. 4 distinctly different characters that could have offered great replay ability and value 4 money
2. Good upgrade and levelling system
3. Good map system
4. Co-op
When I compare this to Bioshock 2, which I recently finished it makes me realise 2K have lost a lot of Great Talent separating from 2K MARIN, who obviously are the reason the studio has enjoyed so much success.
Unfortunately Borderlands just feels B grade when compared with shooters like MW2, BC2 and Bioshock 2.