This game gives you everything you want in a FPS and RPG.
User Rating: 10 | Borderlands PS3
While yes, the story needs work. If you pick up this game you will not be disappointed. Controls are solid, art design is great and you will find yourself spending hours hunting for better guns and mods. This experience is expanded online with co-op. Very fun and Gearbox does a great job making the game harder the more people that their are in your party. Good for fun, but also great to get more experience. I would suggest creating two characters to start. One offline and one online. While single player will take much longer to complete, you will find that it is fun wandering this world and the loot that you find will always bring you back for more. One complaint is that the car is hard to get used to control wise, but once you learn how it works it can be a very satisfying experience.
4 DLC patches = great support from a great company. Thanks Gearbox for this instant classic. Bring on a sequel.