A sign that the Borderlands universe needs to be reimagined from start to finish for the sequel.
Secret Armory of General Knoxx - 10
The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned - 8
Claptrap's New Robot Revolution - 6
Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot - 4
I definitely recommend Borderlands fans to give the game one last runthrough with Claptrap, but only because it puts some pieces of the game together. We were introduced to the Claptrap Ninja Master in the end credits to the original game, and there is also a minor hint in the end here that leads us to believe Borderlands 2 is in the works.
The expansion itself is kind of a letdown after the awesome Knoxx adventure. There's really nothing new here:
1. No rise in the level cap or new weapons
2. No truly original enemies (so what if claptraps shoot us now, and all the other enemies just seem like old ones with a new coat of paint).
3. The humor and plotline gets a little old quickly.
4. The environments are more of the same.
5. No new vehicles, or driving at all for that matter.
I feel the expansion is just barely worth 800 points. Just make sure you're not tired of the game itself before you get it, because there is really nothing fresh about it to reinspire you. About halfway through the first mission, I almost just quit everything out of lack of interest, until my friend cajoled me into spending the 6 hours finishing it in co-op mode.