I picked this game up used last weekend after my brother told me how addictive it was. He was right. I decided since the sequel was coming out in a few months I would give it a try, and I was getting tired of playing COD all the time. Ever since I popped the disc in the ps3 it's been hard to put the controller down. The graphics, action, characters, and gameplay are all top notch. I wish I would've bought this game back when it came out close to 3 years ago.
I will admit getting used to the different controls after playing COD for awhile is weird, but it just took a few minutes to get it down. There are so many guns that I can't stop myself from constantly looking for that next best gun, only to get it and then start the process all over again. If you haven't played this game yet, it is definitely still worth picking up especially with Borderlands 2 coming soon.
Growing up on games like Quake and Diablo really helped me to appreciate the greatness of Borderlands. There's been a lot of games that have tried to pull off genre hybrids, but they either fail to deliver or just fail t... Read Full Review
The box art for Borderlands kept me away from the game for a long time. I would pass it in my local Blockbuster or GameStop, strangely attracted by its strong yellows and reds but repulsed by the Jason-Voorhees-meets-Tyl... Read Full Review