A Great game that will have you coming back for more!
A nice selection of characters to start the game off with gives you the chance to play the game how you prefer to play games, whether its the military soldier style your used to in other games; a long range sniper specialist; a man-mountain melee maniac; or simply an elegant elementalist. No matter what your gaming style is, your sure to find a character that fits your style. Unfortunately, not much character customization is given, with only the option of changing the player's name and the colour of their clothes seems rather pointless.
The storyline is however, rather tedious at best. Not much effort has gone into writing the actual plot-line of this game, but the gameplay itself makes up for this, with a rather large array of side quests you can delve into for extra experience and gameplay hours that span over several different locations. The game itself has a very unique graphic style, that is easy on the eyes and interesting to view. Another great thing about this game is the in-game humour, especially in the DLC, that gave me quite a few giggles whilst playing. This makes the game more fun to play, and takes a little bit off the seriousness of the game. This is an effective attribute to the game as most FPS games usually have (in my opinion) a little too much of the seriousness approach.
The difficulty of this game, i would say is just right, as trophies are easy to come by, but it does require alot of gameplay hours, hardly any will be tedious tho as the game is generally fun to play, especially online co-op. unfortunately the headsets dont work as well as they could, posing more problems than expected. sometimes its not even worth using a headset.
There was a few let downs in this game however, the main one being how the game brags about having thousands and thousands of guns to use, although anyone who has played this game would of also realised that, thats just not the case. Every gun is slightly different from another, and when i say slightly, i mean not usually enough to make any difference at all, to anything. And finding two guns exactly the same, is not as rare as its made out to be. Another let down for me was the vehicles, when you first unlock them the controls are very unusual, and takes you a fair while to maneuver the vehicle with precision, instead of just bumping into every wall, rock or pixel along the way. These however are simply minor set backs for the game though and overall does not have much impact on the game itself.
The game has a surprising twist at the end, and makes you wonder what to expect from the next game, if there will be one. but all in all, a great game, single or multi-player. with an easy platinum waiting for you at the end. :)