As a whole its good but it shouldn't be bought used. Find out why and more inside.
The add-ons for Borderlands come in the form of a redeemable voucher that gives them to the player but must be downloaded from the Playstation store. The total download time can take about 4hrs to download all of them depending on players' connection to the internet. This is an unfortunate downside and the voucher appears to be a sort of one shot deal. This means that buying a used copy will not give players access to the content unless they buy the add-ons individually. Which is an unfortunate downside to really game.
The add-ons themselves however are solid and build upon the gameplay mechanics in Borderlands. For the most part the add-ons can be tackled solo and are in some ways funny and can be accessed once a fast travel station goes online in the main game which is just after the sort tutorial that players will do at the start of the game. However I must strongly caution players that the add-on Moxxi's Under dome add-on should not be done solo. This is in large part because of the high difficulty of the challenges and that the add-on uses arenas that do not earn players experience points but instead weapons at the end of each round. Each round consists of 5 waves with a boss at the end of each wave and as each rounds progress players will be hit with handicaps of various types. Therefore I strongly recommend that players either host a game or join a game when attempting to do that add-on in particular.
Borderlands graphics are very unique in that they're not what players would expect in a first person shooter. The style of is in some ways similar to that of the game Dark Cloud 2 on the PS2 but at the same time different and is something that really hasn't been done with a first person shooter before and this helps make the game very unique. This sense of uniqueness extends throughout the game from the character models to the environments and objects. However the one downside is that on occasion things will appear slightly blurry and maybe a little bit 8-bit like at times and this will last for about 1 second or two and can be bet of an annoyance/distracting at times because it sort of puts a bit of a damper on players experience when it occurs.
Borderlands gameplay is fairly straight forward in that players will run and gun various type of enemies throughout the game. One interesting twist with the gameplay is the items that can be picked up glow. This helps players in way because it makes it easier to spot ammo, guns, money etc... However on the downside when there is a lot of glowing object in between them and an enemy that players are trying to shoot sometimes the description for one of the items will pop up and make it difficult to target their opponent. With this in mind the AI is smart in that it will use cover throw grenades and is all around smart but not overly aggressive at the same time.
Borderland's audio is all around solid. The sound effects are well done and the voice acting is solid. The voice actors did a really great job bringing humour in some ways to the various character and robots while still maintaining that solid narrative and such.
Overall Borderlands game of the year edition is a solid game that is worth buying new but not used.