Keep you up all hours, and have you coming back, and back, and back.
User Rating: 9 | Borderlands X360
What a game, I mean this truly is one of the greatest RPG's ive ever picked up. I'll jump right in with the details. The graphics are one of a kind, their are aspects of the game that make you feel like your in a comic book then others remind you its still a some what realistic game. All around their cartoony but not so much to make you sick, you have to look hard for that edge though. The guns have to be the most attractive aspect with millions and millions at your bec-n-call, and yet the least attractive at the same time, with the majority of them being junk the game makes you work hard for good weapons. The plot is greatly so so but amusing enough to play it on all four characters....then on the second difficulty again. The end is pretty disappointing but the rest of all the missions are good enough for you to not mind it so much. Every DLC is necessary in my opinion. Their a thrill of their own and well worth the money (besides moxxis underground thingy but its still a bank and trust me you will WANT that bank).
I have loved this game to death and now can't play it with nothing to do....this isn't everyones cup of tea mind you. I have a group of friends that love to get online and help lvl each other, get better guns and certain quests done too. Then the majority of others hate the game and can't stand its unique style . But today I think its like 20-30 bucks. Which is a steal! with how much content it truly has along with all the DLC's. I my self have 242+ hours (over 10 days) logged in. I pray you never have that many your self.
All in all fantastic game, never too hard (till the dlc's) but not quite too easy. You will not be disappointed and thats a promise you can take to the bank.