Great game, very fun. But don't expect too much story...
When you start this game, you gotta do some lame stuff (tutorial ftw -.-') but as soon as you start doing some missions, it goes surprisingly fast... And when you're flying through these fun missions, you level up quite easly. But it's not like it's that easy cuz you can get in an ambush of annoying skags or crazy a$$ psycho's and shooting weirdo's wich can be a pain in the a$$ when your bullets are low. But you just gonna love this game thanks to all the shooting. :)
Also the fact that you can choose between character is a fun, but limited, adition. If you're more of a random shooter you just don't need to care about who you pick, but if you wanna specialise a little bit in something, it's better for you to read their abilities first, or check 'em online.
Then the most fun thing of this game: online. Why? I dunno myself i just love it, especially the DLC's (more bout that later). And it can make you level up damn fast... Thanks to playing online I'm now level 35 (and i didn't played that much).
Now the DLC's. I buyed the GOTY edidtion for these (and for being to late buying the original one -.-'). These DLC takes a lot of room on your ps3, but that's definitly worth it, cuz these DLC's are so much fun!
Graphics: I can't really score it cuz it's comic-like. So you can't really compare it with other games, but it does look fun.
Gameplay: Very smooth gameplay, no real problems with it... It may be a little bit weird of shooting with R2 while all these famous shooters shoot with R1, but you'll get used to it inmediatly...
Gamemodes: Singleplayer, splitscreen, online and LAN... So basicly everything possible :D (+1)
Sounds: Meh, nothing to complain about, good sounds, no real weird stuff to hear, and it's pretty helpfull if you're on the zombie island of Dr. Ned :P
Awesome game, definitly something to be in your collection, and GOTY with all DLC's? Awesome! :D
10/10 It ain't perfect but it is how it is and it's awesome, it get's a 10 outta 10 for it DLC's :)