A short but really intense and fun expansion. Well worth playing!
The fact that this expansion is so significantly shorter then the original game makes me lower the overall score a bit, but I totally love this expansion. The story is better, there isn't as many irritations and the action is groovy!
Graphics: 9.0/10.
The graphics is still ace high in the expansion. Now you get the zombie feel with rotten wood and moss on stones and then zombies coming at you with raised arms and hanging necks. The cartoon feel is still there and you get sucked in the dark zombie world of dr. Ned.
Sound: 8.0/10.
The sound of Markus reading a bedtime story for some kid is fun, but you don't want to hear it every time you start the expansion. The announcer in the town is also a good voice actress. The zombie sound is OK but the best about the sound in the expansion is the zombie-like feel of the music, very good work! The atmosphere of the game gets perfect with the dark tunes - and the long moments of quiet - in the music category. Of course, there isn't so much new sounds sine the expansion is much shorter then the main game.
Game play: 8.5/10.
No teleports makes it a bit irritating when saving, quitting and then starting over at the one and only entry point even if you were in another area when you quit the game last time. Other than that I have no new complaints. The action is great, you cannot move anywhere on the map except the town to be truly sure that you are safe. Sometimes you are surrounded, even when playing singleplayer (there are more monsters when playing more players), this is really cool because you need to be skilled to come out of such traps. The new smaller monsters are good and hard, the bigger ones could be even harder and a lot smarter but in general the feeling of this expansion is that there's been somewhat more thought into combinations of monsters in a fight. Since you don't use a car in this expansion you have to travel by foot a lot, but that just adds to the "left4dead" zombie threat you will feel. Without the car you wont get irritated by the FOV* problems in the original.
Idea: 8.0/10.
To add a zombie expansion into a dark wasteland game is a smart one. You already have the dark feel to the game, but now you get that creepy zombie feel to, and having the player run around totally alone is also a chill to the bone - in a good way. The difficulty with combinations of monsters - as said above - is also more present in this expansion which makes it clear that the developers have put their thoughts into this! But there is no new skills or anything like that for the characters.
Story 8.5/10.
The story here is more linear than the original game, but it's OK because the expansion is much shorter and intense. It's more like a much BIGGER side quest then a new main mission. I like the feel of the mission and the humour is ever so present here. In all this is a much better story then the Vault mission. Too short though, to get a higher score. The movies are OK, but I don't like that you cannot move past them once you already played them before.
*= Field of view