Trust me u are gonna luv this game man anyone that wants to have a good time and zillions of guns then u should get those 40 dollars and pick up borderlands u luv vehicles anything ure gonna love it trust me if u don't believe me than ask ur friends that got borderlands o yeah they will tell ya but u should be convinced by now or u can just be at home sittin back plain blackops all day and if u can't afford the game and u got halo reach play that at least instead of some dawg on blackops mannn woooooooooooooooo if u got borderlands like me u won't even be plain blackops no more me and u could be chill in from cross kill in zombies buying nice and awesome weapons niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weaponssssssssssssssssss this game has randomnessssssssssssssss wooooooooooooooooooooooo zilionsssssssssssssssss of weaponssssssssssssssssss
Alright, so I've been playing it nonstop since I picked it up, and basically... it's bada**. The shooting mechanics are perfect, and the guns all vary so greatly. It's like Fallout (3) but with a more perfected first-p... Read Full Review
Let me preface this review by saying that I'm getting pretty tired of people comparing this game to Call of Duty/Halo 3 and Fallout 3. The similarities are actually far and few between, especially if you examine the mech... Read Full Review