After a bit of a wait and a complete re-do on the graphics, we have a solid free roam with some cool perks/weapons

User Rating: 8 | Borderlands PS3
I remember years ago when I first saw this in game informer and read about there being hundreds of different weapons and of course the focus on the vehicles and enemies, with a huge world and boosting hundreds of hours of gameplay. Although it released nearly two years ago, I haven't picked it up until just last month at my library and was able to complete the game and platinum it in a week. So to start the review off, gameplay is pretty solid. You start off with the ability to choose from four different classes who have different perks, and say you pick the sniper, your perks are all based on stealth and accuracy. You also start at level one and each time you level you gain power and points to level up your perks. The level cap is pretty high too at 56 but is even higher with expansion packs.

You pretty much go through the game with the ability to go wherever you want and can chose to complete missions whenever you want, which you pick up from different characters and boards. The more you progress through the main story quests, the more areas you are able to travel too. The enemy variety is pretty good, but does tend to get repetitive, especially if you stay in the same area for a while trying to level up. There are a lot of quests, probably around 100 in the game, but they also tend to get repetitive such as go to location pick this up, kill these enemies and so forth. The storyline is pretty uninteresting and almost non-existent aside from a few radio messages you receive and maybe two or three cutscenes in the whole game. There are tons of different weapons, which is pretty cool and as you level up you find more powerful weapons and shields. Although you also have limited space so you have to leave a ton of weapons you find behind.

You also can ride vehicles around places, although there is pretty much only one type of vehicle you can choose. Overall, gameplay is pretty solid, the perks are cool, enemies are pretty challenging, and the leveling system works well. The occasional boss fights also are intense/fun. The only main problem is a majority of the game you will be doing side missions and they tend to get repetitive.

The graphics are pretty solid, and the style works well for this game, although framerate isn't perfect and you will have occasional glitches. The environments are pretty big and have good variety from desert wasteland to snow, to even wetlands. The sound is also pretty solid, although certain enemies wails do get annoying and voice acting is only average at best. The in game music is pretty average as well.

Replay is decent, especially with online co-op, but there is really only so much you can do once you complete every mission and max out your character. Like I said before, some missions just get really repetitive for a while, but it is fun to play around withe different weapons in this game and you can play a new game that increases enemy levels once you beat the game. Overall a solid game that has a few issues with glitches and getting repetitive but is good for unique weapons, large environments, and decent enemy variety.