Borderlands plus the Horror! or not. Find out! on my review.
First off we mention the visuals as the first DLC to the game it should be pretty decent and it was. I felt that the game weren't that far apart and it should contain some of the nice cel-shading that is seen in the actual game which was nice. I felt that the visuals deserved a 9/10 because it was simply right in the alley of what I was expecting from this game.
Although the gameplay is pretty much the same and there are a few more added in trophies for good measure. Something was diabolically wrong with this DLC and it was not any in game scenes as this DLC was rather quite funny.
It is THE HUGE LAG when playing in single player. I noticed that in some scenes like in near the HOSPITAL area it got extremely laggy. That was too much for me to bare. DLC should not have that kind of lag when the original game did not lag at all. This was probably the worst part about the DLC otherwise I thought it deserved the score of 8.5.