This is probably the game I have spent the most amount of time on ever. I can't decide if this is a good thing or not.
That's because, at its core, Borderlands is a first person shooter, and an extremely polished one at that. The controls are tight and responsive which makes it, at a basic level, just fun to shoot stuff. This is why pretty much anyone will enjoy Borderlands to an extent. If you love borderlands, however, you should start to question your mental health.
That's because Borderlands likes making you get stuff, be it guns, shields grenades or class mods. This means for the 'collecting' mechanic to work, you'll need actively want more and better stuff. This is the sole reason I've spent so much time (probably over 100 hours if you include my new PC copy I bought...) on Borderlands. Because I'm weird. When I get a 'super-flamey-slicey-hurty-pain-gun', the next thing I want, perhaps crave, is a 'super-flamey-slicey-hurty-pain-gun-wahey!' And thats the kind of mindset you'll need to enjoy this game. Theres a fine line between what you call "Hey, I just like collecting stuff" and society calls Compulsive Hoarding Disorder.
The guns themselves sound and feel powerful, and theres millions of them. No, actually. The game uses a random gun generator so when you open up a chest you could get a 'rocket-firing mega shotgun cannon!' or a 'willy pistol'. No these arn't real in-game names.
The way you check if guns (or class mods, shields and grenades, for that matter) are good or not is also rather intuitive. As you walk up to the gun, a bubble appears above it telling you its stats and how it compares to the gun you're currently using. This makes it quick to pick up the right guns and amazingly rarely gets in the way of combat.
Unfortunately a lack of story and poor vehicle controls let the game down. But, really this game doesn't need a story to be fun, as that job is given to the shooting and looting. The scenery also doesn't do the game justice, while the barren wasteland is immersive at first, about halfway in you begin to get sick of the browns and greys and wonder why they didn't introduce the snowy levels sooner as you come towards the end of the game.
These are however, minor blemishes on a game made by freaks for freaks. I'm a freak for liking it and so are you. Ha.