An 8.0? Three words, UN-DE-RATED! The cooperative multiplayer bug is a huge disappointment, but not enough to...

User Rating: 9 | Borderlands PS3
An 8.0? Three words, UN-DE-RATED! The cooperative multiplayer bug on the PSN is a huge disappointment, but not enough to undermine the breath of fresh air this game delivers. Agreed, that I was disappointed to say the least when my neighbor and I couldn't play cooperatively as soon as we hoped, but this road bump shouldn't stray potential buyers away, especially if Gearbox has already acknowledged the issue and is patching it up as quickly as possible.

Borderlands right from the introduction movie sucks you right in. Immediately you manifest this desire to be a kick-ass-skag-slaughtering-death-machine. Controls are spot on and exceptionally tight. Combat is both rewarding and satisfying all in one blood bath. The animations of the MILLIONS of guns are gorgeous and electrifying. All of your FPS needs are met and exceeded with this shooter, and if you felt that Fallout 3's combat was too stiff, then have no fear, Borderlands DOES play like a shooter. There is an arena in which you attempt to survive hordes of enemies as well as a competitive PVP dueling option. So if you're mainly a hardcore FPS gamer this will keep you satisfied. The RPG elements of the game are simply sprinkles on the cupcake. Each of the four class types has his/her own skill tree, each with three branches. Earning XP comes from, doing quests, killing enemies, as well as completing the bonus challenges. Once you have earned enough XP to level up you are allowed a skill point to invest on one of your skills. Along with upgrading skills there is not a specific weapon leveling system, but a weapon type leveling system. Killing enemies with a general type of gun such as a Sniper or SMG will increase your Sniper or SMG proficiency level. By specializing with these weapon types you earn bonuses for the entire class of that weapon. Such as accuracy boosts or quicker reloads. The way Gearbox has combined these two genres into slick, exciting package is phenomenal and loads of fun. In a nutshell, Borderlands is an AMAZING game. Weather you're a FPS fan or a RPG guru, or even both, Borderlands is a game that you MUST have.