User Rating: 8 | Borderlands X360
Well well were can i start with this game, this game i just got this 3 days ago & i finished it with 690 achievement out of 1000 & it was a very fun game great RPG/first-person shooter game the high magnitude of weapons are amazing as soon as i get use to a gun i like another one pops up & i start using it the enemys come out in bulk at you so be prepared the skill list is very good to shape your player the way you want each 4 vault hunters have unique kind of skill me choosing the soldier was very good using his skill was a very helpful thing so tactics is key playing with other ppl specially the devs on it was really good though it is meant to play with more ppl much funner cant say any bad things but the ending is not all what i cracked up to be i was kind of disappointing but it was okay im still playing the second session which is much harder & i just got a ,message saying there will be a DLC for this game OF COURSE like that frankenstien looking banner probably is one of the DLC for the game well very good game price is descent so go out & cop it fun game!!!