Borderlands is one original game get ready gritty gamers because this is gonna be colorful :)
Like traditional RPGs, much of the player's time is taken up by quests. There are 160 quests of varying length and complexity, 30 of these being part of the story and the other 130 as side quests. Many of these quests are not mutually exclusive, and can be completed together. Each quest carries its own rewards, such as new weapons, or perhaps revealing a new piece of the story. After beating the game, a second play through becomes available, with the same character statistics but with harder enemies. The same quests are available, but with better rewards. For console versions of the game, Gearbox Software added a two player split-screen mode for offline co-op action.
The game will also have a feature similar to the Diablo random level generation system, a "Procedural Content Creation System", which will influence the weaponry seen in-game, as well as some parts of the in-game world and various enemy creatures. This system relies on the player's current level, so that more powerful weapons are gradually added over the course of the player's playtime, rather than appearing at entirely random intervals.[citation needed] In a preview of Borderlands, MTV Multilayer claimed to have seen the debug menu for the game. According to them, the Debug menu listed the total number of weapons in the game as 3,166,880, although this is now thought to be more around 17,750,000. An easy way to see a variety of weapons would be to this
As for the game world, Borderlands features a system that randomly instances the surrounding landscape, with randomly placed things such as bunkers, towers, caves, enemies, and exploding cacti. All of this is done without a loading screen. Gearbox claims that the player will not see a loading screen after they boot up the game, although this proved to be false; players will see them when changing areas. Core areas, such as towns, will remain the same throughout the game, as will the general paths that connect town to town.
During E3 2009, it was revealed that enemy creatures in the game would be able to alternate how they attack players. One example shown was a spider like creature that leaped around and would jump onto players' faces, while another variant rolled up into a ball and attacked people.
There are four playable characters in the game, all with unique skills, abilities, and back stories. As these characters level up, the player can increase basic stats for them such as health totals, ammo capacity, and accuracy. Each character also has three unique focus skill trees to develop, allowing for 12 main character specs and Thousands of potential builds. There is also an accessory item type specific to each character.
Brick (Berserker)
A massive specimen of a man who likes to use his fists to smash the enemy above all else.
Lilith (Siren)
Once a human, Lilith at one point was turned into a siren
Mordecai (Hunter)
Mordecai came to Pandora in search of a man from his past named Demosthenes.
Roland (Soldier)
Roland is a former soldier of the Crimson Lance, a sort of highly trained private military that disregards law and order.
I think borderlands is a very interesting RPS that should never be overshadowed from it's originality.
The game looks great with its amazing graphic decision to make it Cell shaded Tho some objects may look terrible at times and the unreal engine of course makes textures on objects load up in like about a few seconds.
Over all i didn't have to many problems with this game.
Its a very original game and great to play co op tho not so good single player Borderlands Gets a good Ol 9.0: