Borderlands is fun, deeply customizable and easily accessible...all with a coating of bad-ass layered on. Buy it!

User Rating: 9 | Borderlands X360
After racking up a sizable 20+ hours with this game...and being highly impressed all the while, I figured it was review time! So if you just popped up out of the rock you live under, I'll give you a brief summary: Borderlands is an FPS with somewhat RPGish conventions: Namely LOTS of loot, leveling up, stats and skills you can customize, and tons of quests that guide you through the storyline.

So on to the guts of the review...the gameplay: A big focus of this game is on the guns themselves that you come across as you play. And boy, they ARE the stars =) Lots of variety, various stats, mods, really runs the gamut of customization. You rarely stick to just one gun (at least I didn't anyway) for a set amount of time, there are just sooo many weapons that you come across and feel the need to give them a try, all with their own feel and playstyle they mesh with. Overall I found the 'speed' of the game just right-your character moves quite quickly and never do you really feel like your just trudging around to get from A to B. Vehicles become available very early in the game and allow you to travel quickly when it is necessary. Co-Op is a treat! Playing with other people racks the difficulty up a little when you play online, but this is necessary as you now have twice the firepower and are able to bring down bigger baddies...hence the bigger the loot!

Graphically I found the game very pleasing to the eye-it has a 'cell shaded' look and feel to it but very clean and smooth. Sound is good-lots of weapons feel solid and have a lot of different noises that they make as well as the various characters you encounter who all have relatively fun voice work.

Content wise, this game has a lot going for it. You can easily sink in many hours on this title and STILL come back for more. The online is a blast as I mentioned. Lots of places to explore and quests to do...the atmosphere is fun as well, the game really portrays a cartoonish and fun 'wasteland' while keeping just enough toes in reality wise that its not silly. Overall I would highly recommend this game if you enjoy a fun and solid FPS that throws in just enough RPG type perks that will satisfy both game play fans. A definite buy!