Don't buy Dragon Age: Origins. Buy this one. It is WAY more fun. Needs some tweaks, like a stash box to hold your ungodly horde of GUNS, a better loot collection system and maybe a slightly modified MODS ability. Otherwise, this is a TON OF FUN and graphically stands way out from the rest of the boring crowd; not really cel-shaded, but something different. Game play is fast and smooth, exploration is definitely rewarded (that Uber Pearl Rocket Firing Shotgun might just be in a dumpster!) and the more you play, the more addicted you become. I like that after you beat the final boss (HINT: make sure you're filthy rich first) you can still continue playing! Total gamecrack. Haven't played coop or multi yet, but I bet it's even MORE FUN! Just go out and get it. NOW, ARE YOU SCARED PUNK? YOU SHOULD BE *BLAM*
Growing up on games like Quake and Diablo really helped me to appreciate the greatness of Borderlands. There's been a lot of games that have tried to pull off genre hybrids, but they either fail to deliver or just fail t... Read Full Review
The box art for Borderlands kept me away from the game for a long time. I would pass it in my local Blockbuster or GameStop, strangely attracted by its strong yellows and reds but repulsed by the Jason-Voorhees-meets-Tyl... Read Full Review