I purchased the asian version that came out last month and It took me a week to finish the game, meaning I've finished the 2nd round of the game. The game requires you to beat the game 2 times to see the whole story and fight all the bosses. It's quite obvious that gamespot reviewers didn't finish the game and tried out different skills. Because if they've done that, they'll find out that the gameplay is actually quite deep. When was the last time you saw a hack & slash game that grants players the ability to invest in diablo-like skill trees. The game definitely gets better with latter levels where players have already put in a lot of points into the skill tree. The enemies get really hard later on therefore be sure to invest skill points in the categories that fit your playing style. By that I mean if you are a heavy special attack user, be sure to spend lots of points in PSI category to get more force later in the game.
I have to agree that the camera system is not meant for anyone. But with the lack of the 2nd analog stick on PSP plus so many skill combos, what else can it be. It's a minor issue players can over come it with skills. The Monster Hunter fans will feel right at home with this one.
Bounty Hounds is very likely a better franchise than Dynasty Warriors in terms of cool designs backed up with tons of great looking cut-scene movies that move the story. It's a great addition to every PSP owner's library. It offers the treasure hunting thrill on the go plus an overwhelming story. Players can build his or her character base on the playing style. With so many weapons and armors to collect, I am going to have lots of fun PVP with my friends with this one.
Bounty Hounds is a futuristic Action RPG that attempts a "Phantasy Star Online"-esque theme, while trying to improve upon the formula that made it such a success. In Bounty Hounds, you take orders from the b... Read Full Review
The beauty of Bounty Hounds is that you start aboard the Quicksilver and you are able to explore your surroundings and speak to anyone you come across so you are not quickly rushed into starting the story mode‘s main mis... Read Full Review