Proof that a big budget and fancy graphics are NOT needed to make a breath taking game.
Controls - Exactly what you would expect from a platformer, the controls are responsive and actually rather forgiving. You don't really die in braid, if you make a mistake you just press rewind. Unlike other time based games like Prince of Persia you don't run out of power, you can rewind levels all the way back to their beginning if you choose too. While this does make the concept of a game over not possible don't believe that this game will lack challenge.
Graphics - While you wouldn't expect a 2d game to have great graphics Braid would prove you wrong. Crisp fine detail line and a amazing colour pallete mixed with genius art design cause Braid to be down right breath taking, most impressive to myself is the intro level and the first world which seems to all be painted in a Van Goh like style. The game isn't just a 2D game, it's a 2d Art Platformer to be honest which makes it just plain fun to look at.
Sound - Again I generally dismiss sound unless something is really awful about it OR in Braids case truly amazing. It's been a long time since a game went all out and just went with all orchestra based instruments, but Braid, a back to basic 2d platformer does just that. The musical alignment for Braid is very very well thought out, tempos and pitches hitting just the way they should just when they should portraying emotions and feelings while reading the games text based story or running through a level, never has a game let someone feel so at peace and relaxed.
Story - I really would love to tell you the story, but the story is the best part. It's a twist metaphorical ending, everything you read and everything you intake for the story will have to be resorted and re-thought by the games wonderful ending. The game refrences light and warmth a lot, as well as creation and castles... what ever could they mean?... plenty of clouds in the game too..... now if only they said something about mushrooms, not in the since of drugs but in their shape. Truly you should play it a few times through to get a good grasp of the story.
Overall - After playing the demo i had to have this game, it took me a couple of days to finally bring myself to pay 15 dollars for a tiny LIVE game but I did and I don't regret it. Today not many games tend to feel deeply thought into, most things feel like a giant mega corp. developed them and wrote them and made the story "something for everyone". Otherwise known as easy to understand easy to grasp. Braid on the other hand dares to be different and comes out with story so complex I figured is was a dead art form. If it were only longer it would have been a perfect 10.