A moving game with great scenery, great level design, and an incredible story
Let me be more specific. Let's start with the story. I can't, to be honest, go too far into it without any spoilers. Simply put, Tim (the main character) is trying to save a princess. You don't know who he's trying to save her from or what, but you just know you're trying to save her. It sounds generic, but trust me, there is a twist at the end that will blow your mind away. At least it did for me.
Now for the gameplay. It's pretty solid. There are five worlds, and in each world, you need to get puzzle pieces to finish a puzzle, once you finish all of the puzzles, then you go the final world. The puzzle pieces are easy to get in the beginning, but the difficulty does get more difficult as you progress. By the sixth world, you may need some help. The final world is pretty easy, but mainly because you don't need any puzzle pieces to beat it. Trust me though, you will still remember the last level.
The level design, by the way, is brilliant. There is, of course, the beautiful scenery, but there's more to it. They make it so you always have to take the long way without some stupid cutscene where an obstacle appears and you have to take a new path. Not to mention that on certain levels you actually have to do things at the very beginning to be able to do things later. Overall, it's very clever.
Now, for the price point. Braid can be found on the Xbox Live Arcade for 1200 MS Points, which is $15 in the US. This seems to be a breaking point for people because the game, to be fair, is short. The experience itself is so worth it though. Trust me, a game being short does not mean you take two points off of the score, because this game has little to no other mistakes. It is almost as if the developers spent more time on fixing each level, or coming up with something for the plot, than they did just adding more levels that may not even be good. To me that's a good thing.
The replay ability itself is limited, I will admit. After you beat the game, there are some collectibles you can get, but other than that, there is no replay ability. Nevertheless, this is probably the best arcade game out there for people who are looking for story and the overall experience. For you multiplayer buffs, I would suggest Castle Crashers.