Braid will quite literally take you back to your platform games and then wizz forward into the future
A great price and a good game to boot, have had alot of fun playing this game. I think though that it is slightly overatted and nothing amazing new from a platformer apart from the timeshift ability.
Graphics arn't going to blow your mind but then who cares?
If I was you I would Definatly download this as there is no doubt that this is the best thing out there on live.
I do feel though that this game is slightly overrated (by gamespot anyway) and it isn't going to break any boundries or blow your game head into a new place.
For a platformer the story is good and will keep you playing, unfortunatly the end is poor and is the definition of the anti-climax.
Buy it and you will have no regrets, timeshift is the only real innovation but this is one game that can challenge your mario and sonic playing days and bring them upto date.