Brain Age 2 is highly recommended for casual players. Offering short, daily bursts of play time and a simple design..
User Rating: 7.5 | Touhoku Daigaku Mirai Kagaku Gijutsu Kyoudou Kenkyuu Center Kawashima Ryuuta Kyouju Kanshuu: Motto Nou wo Kitaeru Otona no DS Training DS
The game's exercises work mostly well, but the present flaws are very frustrating. The game's handwriting recognition, as its predecessor's, isn't perfect; more than likely, you will have to write certain letters, such as K's and T's, differently from the way you're used to. Number recognition works great, but making a mistake while writing numbers or letters can cost you; the game gives you very little time to hit the 'Erase' button, and many a time you will be penalized for making a mistake you were trying to fix. Also, many of the game's introductory rules are highly lacking and simplistic, forcing you to waste a day's worth of training as you try to figure out what exactly it is you must do. As you play daily you will learn to avoid most of these mistakes, nevertheless they should be nonexistent.