This game is surprisingly fun and does sharpen your brain.

User Rating: 7.9 | Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! DS
The Good: Actually sharpens your brain; Very addicting; Great Sudoku; Available at a budget price

The Bad: Shaky writing and voice recognition
Do you hate math? Well, you're not alone buddy. Though math does make you smarter. In fact, simple math makes you smarter. Just by doing a few elementary math problems every morning can really get your brain going so that you're able to do more complicated things. However, who wants to do math every morning? Well, once you buy this game, you will.

This game is inspired by the work of neurologist Dr. Ryuta Kawashima, and he is your guide throughout the game. He explains to you how the brain works. His face is also on the screen on the menu, and by saying some stuff, he will give you some humorous reactions. Anyways, you start of by making a little profile of yourself, and then doing a Brain Age check. The goal of this game is for you to get a Brain Age of 20. If you get one of 90, then you've got some work to do. Though don't worry, lots of people start out with old brains, and if you're under 20, your brain is still developing. There are 6 different tests I believe that are conducted to determine your Brain Age. They're all simple, but you'll be surprised how difficult they are to do, especially when being timed. After that, you're able to do some training. There are 9 or 10 different modes in training, though you start of with three (you'll unlock one once you do one of the first three). You unlock modes by collecting stamps. You collect stamps by doing one mode every day. An ideal thing to do is to wake up every morning, go through the modes, compare your results in them to previous results, and then do a Brain Age check. This is what keeps you coming back every day for a few minutes, and it's surprisingly not boring.

One of the best things about this game is that they've put in a game called Sudoku. It's a number game where you must fill out the boxes using the numbers 1-9. The rules are all explained in the game. This is probably the one of the most funnest number games of all time, and you'll be surprised at how hooked you can get to this game. There are tons of Sudoku puzzles available and it's something fun to do before and/or after your daily brain training.

The one major fault of this game is it's shaky writing and voice recognition. You pretty much have to teach yourself how write and speak again to be as efficient as possible in this game. You could try to write down 9, but you get 4. You could try to write down 8, but you get 7. You could try to say black, and the game could recognize it as something else. It's very annoying, and it's something you'll notice probably from your first event in this game.

Is this game worth it? It's available at a budget price, and it's definitely worth it. The only things that could get you to hate this game are the shaky writing and voice recognition and if you really despise education (or you really don't care at all about your brain). This is the kind of game where you will pull out once every morning to play through for a little bit, and with the Sudoku puzzles, you could be playing for a little longer. You can also use this game to compare your Brain Age with the rest of the family to really see who's brain is the fittest. It's definitely worth a purchase.