Brain Training not only actually helps train your brain but it is a very enjoyable game too.

User Rating: 7.2 | Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! DS
Brain Training is a game that can truely unlock the potential of your brain but don't think this is boring like school, training your brain can be very fun. Graphics aren't a big feature of this game. To help the game feel clean and cool and to cut out distracting colours Nintendo have given this game a very simple, minimalist look. You will be led through the game though by Dr. Ryotu Kawashima, although many have criticised his graphics here I am quite sure that this blocky texture is deleberate. Brain Training is really a pick-up-and-play game that is meant to attract new gamers and only requires you to play for several minutes a day. The training exercises in the game do genuinely unlock the potential of your brain but when playing the games you won't feel like your brain has been beaten to a pulp with a barrage of tricky math questions, these exercises work in simple but effective ways. New exercises will also become avaliable as you play. The game also has a Brain Age Check which tells you the perrfomance level of your brain based on age, it keeps records of which days you have done your exercises on and keeps a graph of your brain age and how well you have done on all the exercises over time which you can look at and use to compare your results to your friends. Another feature of the game is it contains tons of sudoku puzzles although a lot of these will tax your brain more than the exercises. The real let down in gameplay though is the voice and writing recognition, you will find at first it is almost impossible to work with and for days after that you will have problems with the games recognition, this can be really frustrating and is the kind of thing that seriously affects your results. You can sort of adjust to the games bad recognition if you become a bit of a hardcore player but even then you'll find now and then it will cost you time in your exercises and brain age checks. It's a bit of a shame as with a little tweaking in the recognition this could be a completely un-frustrating game but still the exercises are very good. Another useful feature worth mentioning is that Dr. Kawishima will also give you easy tips to help train your brain in everyday situations. Sound in the game much like graphics isn't a big issue. The sounds are mostly all relaxing and calming and add to the simple feel of things. Of course there is no plot to this game but Dr. Kawashima serves as a warm and welcoming character. All in all although this is the first of a few brain-improvement games for the DS I feel it is the best out there and we could all use a game like this in our modern lives, easy forr gamers of all levels although in need of slight tweaking this is an easily recomendable title.