Game is great, but handwriting and microphone aspects are fishy.

User Rating: 8.3 | Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! DS
Let me get this out of the way before I go on : Brain Training is unique but is sometimes not done well, but it doesn't fail in offering a new experience only available on the Nintendo DS. First off the control scheme is awkward, mostly because of the way you hold your DS, as a book. The Voice recognition is done ok, but in Quick Play mode it didn't recognize the word "Blue" until after around 3 tries. Handwriting recognition is also not done as well as it could have been, to recogize the number "5" it had me write it in a certain way. But the presentation is extremely well done , and little touches like writing your own signature, and that the doctor laughs when you say his name on the title screen, add personality to the game. Overall Brain Age is addictive, the puzzles are fun though a little repetitive, but it shows great promise.