My Worst Xmas Present Ever.

User Rating: 1 | Bram Stoker's Dracula SNES
Where can I start with this game? One Xmas, back when I was lucky to get a single game, I got Dracula for the SNES. I was very excited as I love the film, and assumed that vampire theme equals Castlevania excellence. Oh, how wrong I was.

Here is a short list of what is wrong with this game:
1) It has very little resemblance to the film, with some of the enemies including rats and centaurs.

2) The play controls are terrible. You press jump, and the character might jump. He might not. You try to defend yourself, and you might, or you might end up jumping from 3 button presses before.

3) The graphics are horrible. They were bad in 1993, and they are abysmal now. The whole game feels beige and has a washed out look to it.

In short, the game looks and plays like garbage. Avoid it at all costs.