I see 4 members of this site have this game on their wish list; I wholeheartedly encourage them to take it off my hands. Nothing will give me back the week I wasted on this pathetic mess. The only thing it had going for it was that I had found it in a box of a friend's stuff, so I didn't pay for it, (which makes me want to rethink my relationship with this guy) but the puzzlebox in Hellraiser was free, so the best things in life aren't always free. I can hardly fault the graphics, however I did gave it a bad score to keep the overall score as low as possible. The graphics are typical of Super Nintendo at this era. Unfortunately this also entails very muddy sprites.
Brandish is a game that at the time it came out, was snuffed by the greater competition. While Secret of Mana and the Final Fantasy series hogged all the glory on the SNES, this game stood lonely on the rental shelves at... Read Full Review