You know, despite the fact that it's a more girly game, I honestly don't mind it.
I personally LOVE dress-up games, so this was great. It was freaking annoying how slow the Bratz girls ran, and sometimes when they roller-skated around, they went just too fast. But, it was a pretty cute game otherwise. Hey, on second thought, maybe girls aren't really into marathon-running-girly-dress-up games.
The tasks were fun, but did sometimes get annoying. I hated how sometimes the colours clashed SO much, but I dealed. It's so fun to dress up the girls in actually good clothing though (Yasmine looks hot in her sneaking-around outfit o3o)! I enjoyed challenging myself to find the best outfit possible... even though that wasn't really a task. D: Just to amuse myself.
Also, at the time, the music wasn't too bad. I mean, they had some... er... okay songs. Not JUST songs they made for the game. Tunes that would certainly amuse young girls; I'm certain they hit the target on that one.
The only other thing about it was that my copy of the game was glitched. It froze all the time. Maybe that's why it took me so long to finish? Oh well. That really ticked me off. And it was the ONLY game that I didn't include the warranty on (or whatever, haha).
So, I give this game a 7.0. It's not too bad, but it's not great. BUT, I don't hate it. In fact, I still play it sometimes. I honestly just love dressing them up. Hur hur hur. : D