A very fun game that never got noticed.
You're a small boy named Musashi that goes on a quest to save a Kingdom named of food....Allucaneet (all you can eat), Grillin (grill-in), Thirstquencher, soda fountain, you get the idea. Anyway, you first get the sword called Lumina and then your quest really begins. Theres like 6 boss fighs, and plenty of sub-bosses, that get harder and harder.
You are sent out to get the 5 scrolls, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Sky, each of which will help after you get them. The scrolls are needed to get around in certain areas and to beat the bosses. They aren't too hard to find, as they sort of just fit in as you're playing the game.
A few parts of the game are REALLY anoying (Steamwood anyone?), but is still one of best games on the PS. A lot of the game takes some thinking, which isn't a bad thing, and has some fun puzzels and dungeons to explore.
If you want to get anywhere in this game, it's a good idea to search EVERYTHING you can, you don't want to miss anything in the game, or you're likely to get stuck.
overall, this game diserved more recognition, but releasing it right next to Ocarina of Time, probably lost it some glory.