Great graphics wasted on a game system which is far too simple. Should have been a hit but still not there.
- Solid graphics (putting some games to shame)
- Uplifting and fun game tracks
- Too cute to be true illustration (with the milky effects on screen)
- Easy to pick - A fun and cute mini-games Cons:
- Too few in-game options - No fields maps to help players resulting finding yourselves lost most of the time
- Illustrator seems to forcus on the the playerable char only and neglect the NPCs and in game eviroment
- Char armour will not change even if u buy & wear a new armour
- No voice acting
- Main character's hat and Sword look too awkward
I believe lots of other reviews have gave all the good points of the game so i don't want to waste time by repeating them all over again. So i will just give my views.
I feel that the developer forcused too much on grachics and neglect the in game system to a point that It feels like a rushed product. You can argue that the developer is trying to make the game simple by reducing the numbers of char control options but as a player, a game with great graphics normally comes with a slightly more complex in game system nowadays. This game gives just the bear minimum, enough as a RPG but not enough to give players a deep impression. it will be just be remembered as a game with great graphic and nothing more.
Next is the issue about the main char wearing the same old armour and the odd looking hat throughout the whole game. Come on if the illustrator put so much effort into the graphics of the character, why not make the displaying armour changeable~?
Overall this game feel rushed and old. Creater neglect some areas of the game which would have made the game all time favourite on PSP. Otherwise it is a game with great graphic especially the milky effects which makes the graphic so smooth to look at. Storyline is your everyday hero goes to another world to save a close friend type. Great effort but not enough.