The Masses who flood this site with user Reviews are right about this game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Brave Story: Aratanaru Tabibito PSP
It's just pure awesome, for a PSP title this is unprecedented by far the best PSP RPG so far. The graphics are amazing, the Story is very well paced, the battles look great and are fun, and it's all mixed together on a high presentation values.

Story- Your a kid who plays to many games, while playing PSP in the park your Girlfriend walks off without you noticing (cause you playing the game to much) She ends up around the corner in a deep sleep. the kid feels guilty and a Frog ask you if you wanna change the Future , to walk thru this magical door, the door leads to Vision. your adventure starts there with many Twist and quirkiness,

Graphics- WOW, this is a PSP title? we'll there not that good, but it's amillion times better than any DS game has to offer, the Art Style and Zones all look very well done, and as if they have this quality to them, even little thinks like Shadows and reflections on waxed Floors is accounted for.

Sound. Sounds good some songs sound as if they were ripped from another RPG(can't think of name) but overall it's nicely done, and theres occasional voice Overs, that are borderline decent

Gameplay, here the game is nicely done, the combat is fun and theres a nice balance

Overall i think if you are in need of a great PSP RPG, or an avid JRPG nut , you need to buy this game, if your a JRPG fan and don't have a PSP, i highly suggest to purchase a PSP, this game alone warrants a purchase of a PSP, if your into JRPG's