Even though it's your typical RPG, it surely won't disappoint RPG fans!

User Rating: 9 | Brave Story: Aratanaru Tabibito PSP
So I was looking for a new RPG to play and kill time with. So I came across Brave Story: New Traveler. The videos impressed me so I picked up a copy. For some reason, I didn't want to put my psp down. It was a great game. Awsome techniques, combination attacks, great story line, and it's not short. And I like when you get to summon the dragon in battle and not lose any BP points, that helps alot in the boss battles. I thought it was your regular story plot but it has alot of plot twists in it. This game was surely worth my money and my time. I recommend any rpg fan to pick up a copy when looking for something new. This game made me happy, and I play nothing but rpg and fighting games. So I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Brave Story: New Traveler was an awsome addition to the rpg line up.