A failed attempted on some broken mixture of real time gameplay and turnbased gameplay for a Breath of Fire game.
Lets start with gameplay. Oh the gameplay, how bad it really is. The battle system is poorly made. You have this technique point meter, but here is were the fun stops. You use this points to walk around in a battle, WTF? You should not even have to use the tech points to move, that is so stupid. There is little balance in the game. You are so weak in the begining of the game that monsters could tear you apart pretty quickly and then you would start over to use the extra experience points just to be strong enough to survive the begining, that is agnoing.
The graphics are OK, just not that great. I seen better Cel Shaded games like Tales of Symphonia which is an excellent RPG game, better then this game and the system works well too.
Sound is not really that great. It is mostly quiet in the game and has little voicework and is all in Japanese, I wish that it was dubbed in English. As one user says, the sound is nothing to write to home about.
Value? Hardly any if you are too frustrated with this game. So you may not want to rent or even buy this game. Go buy Tale of Symphonia, it is only $20 but you still get a great game under that price.
Overall, since this game did not wow me and is too frustrating, save you some pain and do not play this game.