Best game ever youll never forget it!!!

User Rating: 10 | Breath of Fire IV (PlayStation the Best) PS
This game whas the first i ever played in my life and even now whith DS and XBOX 360 and others i still like to replay this game(i got it when i whas 5 and now im 13!!!) the story is perfect and drags you into the game its big the graphics are dam good for a PS 1 game all characters are well made and great batle sistem, this games sequel whasent god i got disapointed capcom should remake or continiu the story of the game as it leaves an open end, you should play this game!!!!!no matter who you are!!!!!!The characters will bring you in to the world of the dragon gods!!!!whit Ryu, Nina, Cray, Ersin, and many many other you will meet in the game, it has tons of minigames and puzzles it never gets boring and its hard to get lost on what to do!You go in deep dark conversations , and other times theyre all laughting the game really calls you right i just think its damm rong capcom didnt keep going whith this story!