The search for a premium cricket game is over. At last, the sequel to 1999's Brian Lara cricket is out and it performs.
=========swordfish studios======================
Cricket is one of the fact IT IS THE BIGGEST SPORT IN THE WORLD. I can hear a cry against but remember every continent in the world has cricket playing nations except the two americas. In fact cricket is a sport that leaves nations paused in their jobs, traffic stops, a store with a TV is the magnet for any person who watches ...i.e., everyone who watch cricket.
In terms of cricket game history, one of the best ones was melbourne house's cricket 97. This is a game that is premium in gameplay, alas compared to the same producer's lackluster efforts (EA sports) it is still the best in their series. EA has produced cricket world cup 99, then cricket 2000, cricket 2002, cricket 2004 and cricket 2005.
The only other company to produce cricket games is Codemasters. The first game they made is Brian lara cricket 99. This is infact considered the best cricket game in existance even compared to 2005 by some ppl's opinion.
However as time passes by there is a desire for a new sequel.
ENTER swordfish studios, ranked as the best independent producers from england. They are given the project of producing a game for millions of fans who have been waiting eagerly for 5+ years. By looking and feeling the game, they have proved their excellence.
Brian lara has the best graphics in any cricket game ever. An ea sports fan might differ but, how a cricket player appears has been correctly potrayed rather than EA's wrestler;s version.
The graphics have a sense of pseudo realism but they offer a good sense of immersion.
this is where blc 2k5 shines. This game has no AUTOPLAY feature to skip bowling. However bowling is really fun. a wide range of options and control is provided. Bowlers have different sets of animations.
Batting is also similarly fun. however the lack of choosing front foot, backfoot , advance shots can be easily noticed. Hopefully this will be added in the next BLC.
sound and all other factors are good.
To wrap up this game is definately worth for gameplay. its different in the sense that BLC gives a good break during a busy day's work without being worried about being addicted and forget about your mundane taks.