Better to be a cricket fan.

User Rating: 8.3 | Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 X360
Brian Lara international cricket 2007 is an all round good game. Firstly the graphics of the game aren't really to 360 standards and it is quite noticable when bowling. Although the charaters can look alike to there real life counter parts the crowd animation is very poor and sometimes the ball can completly miss the bat and yet go for a boundary. The gameplay of the game however i think is very good. Batting is the most satifying thing of the game. The batting is quite simple and you can hit many boundaries in a game. The bowling i think can be good on occasion but it is a little too slow and not always very fufilling. During a game you may find yourself skipping the bowling innings as you wont always be bothered to bowl because they have made batting in this game much more appealing. Fielding can be tricky but it is not impossible. You have to have good reactions but if you dont you will find this very difficult. Finally the sound is very unatmospheric in the game and you will only ever get a cheer in the game for a boundary which can make the game feel very lifeless. If you are a cricket fan then you will like the layout and style of the game while also all the best game modes are there and you can customise your own settings and teams. One of the dissapointing things was that the licensing only works on the actual world cup so during just a skirmish game you have to use fake players which is not entirely satisfying. Overall a game worth getting for a cricket fan.