1 step forwards, 2 steps back.

User Rating: 6 | Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 X360
Having pre ordered this title iwas quite looking forward to play it. The one thing that i liked about codemasters is that they had a forum set up after the previous version and asked players to give their own inputs. While some of these have been answered there are still a lot of issues that need to be addressed. Firstly, lets go onto the good points.
The game is very good for playing against other human players. The commentary is smooth and the stats for players is very up to date. However, I think it is best to judge this game on its bad points. While being a next gen title, the graphics have not been improved upon by a great deal since the last outing. Also, the depth of the game is lacking. There are only 4 real options to choose from and these are very limiting. Outside the official tournaments, there are no real player names and no editors to rectify this, but i dont really belive this to be a bad point as pro evo didnt hold the official licenses for a long time and it didnt really impact on gameplay. I think that although it appears to have heeded a few of suggestions made by fans, there are a lot of let downs that coddies could have done without and avoided. I have not played it online yet, but judging from the forum there are a few teething problems.
If u are a hardcore cricket fan, then this will probably not be your cup of tea. If you're looking for a bit of fun with your mates then this is good for wasting a few hours. This being the only cricket game on the 360 thus far may be its only saving grace and for this reason fans of cricket will have to buy it.