! ! ! GREAT GAME ! ! !

User Rating: 9.7 | Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 X360
This is a good game it has its up points and has very little down points.
I think this game is very good fun but a little bit easy on some modes like village it is extreamly easy and county is a little bit easy aswell.
I think the worst down point is the players names when u do custom matchs and also the teams have differnt shirts but flintoff is called flantiff and panasar is called parisian so that is one big down point.
But in the world cups 06 & 07 there names are all right :D
so thats good.
This game is so much fun online and offline you can do all kinda shots like sweeps and you can even run out ya crease and smash it for 6 & 4
Fielding some times if ur close enuff to the wickets you can stump them out by throughing it (different to 05) and you get to pick whats end you through the ball to

So i reccomend to buy this game