This game is a flop
Not only have I got a shoddy half-finished and half-arsed effort, Codemasters then promise a patch. Only then, after the time allowed to return a game has passed, they tell us the patch will only contain an xbox live fix. and even try to fob us off by telling us its in order to get it out as quick as possible.
This game was all hype and build-up. The advertising on the BLIC07 Microsite (useless) was blatantly misleading and their promises have been largely unfulfilled... this is purely and simply a game focused 90% on capatalising on the World Cup to boost sales and meet their quotas... maybe 5% was focused on the game and the other 5% on convincing their genuine staff that to move forward you first need to move backwards... rapidly... but make sure to call this 'progress'.
The bowling speed bug is still around. Some FAST bowlers bowl half their deliveries as slower balls in Tests (80 KMH slow balls and 60 KMH slow balls for spinners)... world class wicketkeepers are made to look like bumbling idiots.... skilled fielders look like no-armed retards trying to take catches (no offense intended to genuine retards out there, sorry).
These forums are bursting with unhappy consumers - but Codemasters still ensist everybody remain calm and wait for the PATCH..... they imply a GAMEPLAY update will occur...... numerous people delay returning their games for full refunds from EA Games.... then they drop the news, Oh by the way there will be NO GAMEPLAY UPDATE... ha, ha, ha now we get to include your purchase in our figures!!!!! Victory to the diabolical Codemasters.
Well, you know where you can stick your game. Well, maybe you don't, given your backwards logic.... you'll probably look at the other end - which would kinda make sense anyway.