This game is one of my all time favourites. While it does have issues, it is a very enjoyable game and a must play.
Graphics: As far as graphics are concerned they are a bit lacking for even the playstation. The animated cut scenes in battles show what a character is but the polygons are very blocky. On the plus side, if you don't like the animations you can turn them off, which will increase the speed at which you play the game.
sound: The music itself is mediocre, and the monsters death screams are a bit lame.
Gameplay: This is one of the areas in which Brigandine shines. Throughout the game you must defend your separate cities with your monsters and knights and the strategy for doing so is perfect. The next gameplay aspect that makes this a great game is that you can upgrade characters and monsters once they reach a certain level. This feature has always been an enjoyable addition in games such as shining force.
Replayability: This is the second area that the game is wonderful in. You have the option of playing as one of several different kingdoms all with completely different storylines and different units available to start with. This makes a person want to play through each kingdom at least once. which adds up to playing the game the game at least 6 times through.
Overall: I believe that this game has more potential than most people give it credit for and very much deserves an improved sequal. The only aspects of this game that are at all lacking are the graphics and the sound and while these aspects can help a game the do not make a game.