Brink is a fast paced FPS that is held back at the starting line with technical problems.

User Rating: 7 | Brink PS3
Brink is a fast pasted FPS that plays like a multiplayer campaign even in single player. You are given objectives to achieve while another team is in opposition to you and you are forced to battle through 8 different maps. In the beginning you are given the choice to play as a rebel or security and then design your character from a large variety of customization in both look and weaponry. After you've unlocked the requirements you can choose from light, medium or heavy character type which determine your speed and health and what weapons are available. The game has a pretty straight forward story line, nothing very special with two "what if" scenarios for both rebel and security. The game and utilization of SMART movement is fun and does make the game seem to flow fluidly. Brink is an overall fun game that does contains some major flaws. One and the most noticeable is that the AI is painfully incompetent which makes achieving objectives aggravating because instead of having a member of your team that is the required class complete the task you find that they most of the time just shoot mindlessly at the opponents forcing you to have to change classes with every objective. This doesn't happen all the time but enough to be a notable hindrance. The other is that when you are trying to achieve objectives such as hacking a safe the AI most times does not cover you which make things even more frustrating. Another issue I found was that you cannot play cooperatively with another person on the same consul instead you have to play online which is mired in a whole other set of problems ranging from horrible lag time to near unplayable server conditions. Over all Brink is a fun game but nowhere near a 60$ buy. If you can find a used copy of this, and enjoy multiplayer aspect of gaming, then you might find enjoyment in Brink.