A load of easy gamerpoints, hard equals no challenge increase just AI buffs. Rent the game and complete it. 7.5/10
The game itself is fun, as Splash damage said and wanted it to be, but it is very easy and the harder levels, arent particularly more challenging they are just have harder AIs versus your team of incredibly stupid AI team members. I've seen this difficulty setting level adjustment in other games and it just doesnt work, hard should mean new and harder challenges not just buffing the AI.
The storyline is about a human colony after the global ice caps have melted and they are on the remaining Ark where revolt against the founders is on the Brink. Comic book stuff really, and will around 16 levels in total, the story is quite wavey, and I waved good bye to it, just skipping it for the action.
The fire fights, and technical abilities, XP leveling are all good and simple enough for any age group to master. But some of the single player mechanics are unbalanced for abilities, minor problem, as you can respend your points. The parkour system of bouncing over terrain doesnt work. The map and graphically environment makes you believe you can hop or jump up onto something, when in fact you just hit a glass wall, or have reached the end of the map. The maps are quite small (but I have been playing Red Dead Redemption) and I just feel the parkour system doesnt work enough, but give it a go in multiplayer and experiment with the body sizes of your character and see where you go.
Enjoy the game, and rent before you buy because its over before you know it.
P.S- An easy 700+ Gamer Points