give it a chance, this game rocks! is a must for mistory sloveing lovers :)
User Rating: 8.2 | Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars GBA
intro: you are an amican having sitting outside a cafe in paris when a clown walks in and runs out of the cafe when *BOOM* you almost get blowen to bits the clown had planted a bome and killed somone inside and taken the dead mans breifcase just before the explosen it must have been worth more then a mans life whatever was inside the breifcase, so you are on the case to find this killer who almsot killed you! not long afther later you befriend a reporter, Nico and team up with her to find this clown, strikly bussiness......yah right!! my thoughts: at first i was lost a the very start not knowing what to do. but afther i worked it out this game became sooo mush fun and for a gba its really long also and takes you to many diffrent places. hints: talk to everyone! more then once. sorry i know its not much but weres the fun if i tell you everything?
broken sword: you must also play broken sword on ps2 it is a diffent story all together. ps2 has made up for the lacking in gba games in geneal with much better garphics, sound, and is much more challaging.
bads: the sound is really repetaive so i turnd it off in the first 20mins but other then that i found this game really good
have fun mistory sloving lovers!!!!!