Its old, Its a bit dusty and it smells a bit. But its still GREAT!!
The sequel is no different, sure in todays world of Halo 3 and God Of War and other such tasty delights its certainly not going to win any awards for the best graphics but there is a Story and an adventure that many of todays games just lack.
The games basic premise is a simple puzzle adventure. To get to the next scene you have to guide your character George Stobbart (or in some cases Nico) to success by chatting to Random people such as kebab sellers or priests for snippets of information and items that will help you complete a puzzle in one of your previous destinations, which in turn will give you another item to proceed further in the game. There is no fast flowing action scenes but there is plenty of puzzles that could tax the average mans brain. Many modern games players are used to walking around levels with a shotgun but in this game be prepared to be armed with Dog Biscuits, clown noses, bars of soap and in some cases items that are simply too large for George's pockets but somehow fit in there all the same??? ahhh the wonders of the gaming world.
So for some of you this might sound dull and boring but its fun the humor is witty and clean. The Voice acting is good and the characters are lovable and unforgettable and the story is still great today.
I picked this game up from my local games store a few years back for a mere £3.50 so to my American gaming colleagues i'm sure you can pick it up for about $5 and how many games can bring you Excitement, Entertainment, humor and test your brain for a mere $5. I recommend you go out and buy this game especially if you haven't played it before it will open your eyes to the way games can be without the constant pressing of a fire button.
Long live the Old, Dusty and Smelly games that sit on our shelves!