A clean and decent translation to the DS version makes this a good game.
"Bear with me since this review will also involve the DS version.", as an unnamed paratrooper guy, your gonna go through Normandy and shoot things till your country is saved or whatever....
The Good? * Graphics push Symbian hardware to its limits
Oh sure! the series 60 version 2 version of this game has less polish but it's still worth it as a good shooter. But then the series 60 version 3 version of the game shows off and proves that Symbian Hardware can outwit the DS! * Can be mindless fun in short bursts.
Yep, in my opinion it's like playing the DS version in a tiny screen. . . . .This is a good game for those mindless arcade fans as long as some people who got used to this game on a DS can cope up with the Symbian Version.
The Bad? * Controls are awkward and are sometimes irresponsive
Let's get this straight, even with great translation skills to the Symbian version, one thing Gameloft can't do is actually put the controls in place. Oftentimes when using sniper controls, the up and down keys are used to move the sniper to said direction while keys 2 and 8 can zoom in and out of the screen...which oftentimes can be confusing to DS gamers.
Also, DS gamers who play BIA: DS will be confused to the entire control system as the DS version uses the gamepad and touchscreen, playing it on a phone can be much worse! now you'll be more confused because each and every button in the game is identical to an action button (except for the # key) * No real story and simple objectives make the experience pretty shallow Now you're talking! Despite the hardware, there's not a single tale you'll see in this game, you'll only follow orders from a seregant and do things that have nothing to do and whatever! * Getting into cover can be extremely confusing at times
Yes, i made this one up.....but hell, you'll probably be confused whether the unnamed soldier is covering himself into the ground, and the worse part is you'll take even more damage on Veteran Difficulty and you think your character is hiding in a wall. * Campaign Missions have been reduced since the DS version.
The First Version only contained 5 missions!!! (Yes FIVE MISSIONS) as if they're close to completing the campaign in Normandy. As well as that, you can download the improved version that extends the game's replayability, by adding a Tunisia Campaign (Yes, Normandy still has 5 missions) but then Tunisia has only 3 missions and can be boring when playing the same missions again and again. But you should appreciate the Veteran difficulty level, as the hardest difficulty level ever made, you can still have fun getting a high score in completing a campaign.
All in all, this game is beautiful and dated, just don't download this game if you own a DS along with the game (unless you're baldly addicted to the DS version, it's the best piece of backup) but then the Missions are shorter than expected. n70 users can only reach to the 8th mission (unless Gameloft is translating more and more missions) but seriously, If you own a higher Nseries phone (except for the n90 and the n72) you can wait for the N-gage 2.0 to be released along with Brothers in Arms featuring the same graphics engine along with the DS version but for now, it's a great game when you're bored and don't have another good portable console.