Definately worth the $15 it now goes for. Great squad tactics mixed with your great WWII history style FPS.
- The first thing I noticed gameplay wise was that the aiming and shooting is very realistic, but with that comes a certain amount of challange and difficulty. It seems that even if the iron sights are dead on they still don't always hit the target, its annoying but very realistic being guns don't always shoot exactly where you point. The story was like most of any WWII, this one was focused on just the airborne campaigns. The game is setup where the cutscenes are your character telling the story and the gameplay is you re-living his experiences. There is a lot of squad tactics involved and unless you plan or play your squads right, you will end up dead very quickly. Game was pretty tough, even on the easiest setting, so if your not a decent FPS player, you may need some practice to get this game right.
Environment & Immersion: 9/10
- Enviornment and immersion are almost everything you would come to expect from this game. Environment can tend to be overly dark on some maps though. I was able to really able to get into this game and play throught it in just a few sittings.
Graphics/Physics: 8,5/10
- All around graphics were great, expecially explosions which has the lovely rag doll effect. Some maps were overly dark.
Sound: 9.5/10
- Some of the best sound out of any WWII game i've played, voices and gunshots are very realisitc. Adds to how well you can immerse yourself into the game.
Bugs, Stability & Performance: 7.5/10
- Not any bug problems or stability problems. I will note on the development side, there should have been a way to heal, unless I totally over looked it, I never could heal in any sort of way until the mission/chapter was over or from dying to much. This makes things very difficult.
Replay value: 7.5/10
- I certainly could run though this game a few times, expecially with the unlockable cheats or even if you look up the console cheats for added fun.
Value for money: 9/10
- Well the listings for this game are all $10, for that price I can't help but say its totally worth buying.
Will this game be remembered by old school gamers as a classic after 10 years?:
- This game as an individual, probably not being it doesn't offer anything unique that really makes it stick out. As for the series, I'll have to see. This game definately is worth buying and playing, I'll just have to see if the others in the series are worth it.
Who would I recommend to buy the game?:
- FPS fans and expecially the ones who love WWII games.
Overall: 8.5 - Definately worth the $10 it now goes for. Great squad tactics mixed with your great WWII history style FPS. A lot of fun for your advanced FPS players, can be overly difficult at times but nothing too impossible. I certainly hope the rest of the series is this good.