Touches base, but not quite a home run.
Speaking of Finish. This game fell a little short on the time frame. Over the years I have come to expect a solid first person shooter to last the average player about 20-25 hours, or approx $2/hr if you bought the game new for $49.99. BiA:EiB fell a little short of that mark, however. This is surprising and a little disappointing as the game is more of a First Person Team Strategy game than a straightforward 'shooter.' The average player with good motor skills and a little patience should be able to burn through this game in about 10 hours flat.
In the end, of course, the question is: Is this worth the money? In the gaming community this is always a very subjective question. Personally the multiplayer additions don't add all that much depth to the game. However this 'sequel,' like the original, does have enough depth to the single player story to give it some replayability. This game would best be classed as a 'few times a year' game. Meaning that after playing the game once, you may come back and dust it off 6 or so months down the road on a 'slow weekend' and play through it again, but otherwise it will just collect dust on the shelf.