A very good game in its own right but just too similar to BIA.30
The graphics though not great compared to newer games, they are still eye catching. The amount of careful work the designers did to recreate the actual Normandy battle fields is beyond the call, and the amount of detail really shows in the game maps. A really big update was the Enemy AI. The enemy now will react underfire compared to BIA .30, where they sat in one place until killed. These guys will now retreat to better positions or try to flank if the situation presents itself. They will even counter attack if all else fails. Friendly AI seem to be about the same. Though they did not seem to have the problem of not identifying enemies behind cover as in the first game. The new enemy AI gives the battle more intensity, making it at times very difficul to get through a mission without losing some of your men. Nothing else seems changed in this game. Bad:
The squads AI seems to be about the same. They still have pathing problems where they will get stuck behind walls, rubble or vehicles. Or take cover infront of cover instead of behind it. I even had one of my tanks accidently push a killed German tank into the way of my squad when they where moving to a new position, they got stuck behind the killed German tank and had to be directed away from it. I also had plenty of problem of them not running in between locations and getting taken out. I still found giving orders to be problematic. I had plenty of problems of the circle getting stock on walls and trees, and not being able to recall the squad if the circle got stuck on a less than ideal location. Also there where some bugs in one level that crashed the game several times to windows. Hopfully they will correct these problems in the next BIA game. Ugly: There is nothing ugly about this game. No serious problems to report. Overall I like the BIA series of games. I believe this is the best WWII series out there do to the attention to detail of actual battle locations, and the story. I just wish they will correct the problematic squad controls with something that gives better control over your squad in combat. Also the AI and pathing of the squad needs some attention. Beyond these gripes, the game as a whole is very well done, with great voice acting, intense battles because of the new German AI, and well done realistic maps. I also enjoy the extra material that is unlocked after a level is finished. It gives the game some replay value.