This is the sequel to this years award winning game...and what do i think about it? Ok it caused quite a hype for me ..i mean i was tracing it and getting as much info as i could on it before it cam out ....and my verdict ? EXCELLENTAE!!!! it brings back everything we loved about it. And unfortunately what we didn't quite like about it ,but the good stuff is the AI has become more agressive , you will witness them in all their artificial glory dont expect them to take cover most of the time now . They have learned to attack when forced to or given a chance to and the new game mode skirmish adds more value to this classic. BUT the bad stuff is your allies are kind of wonky some times , most of the time they will acess the situation and find themselves cover and do smart stuff but every once in a while they will run ou into the open or place themself somewhere screwed more or less ruin your plans ...well not really ruin but delay.BUT ALL IN ALL A GREAT GAME!!
Other Helpful Reviews for Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood seems like it isn't popular. But that doesn't mean that it isn't a really fantastic World War 2 Game at all. To me Earned in Blood is a lot better than Road to Hill 30. This game is also... Read Full Review
I don't know what you people are talking about?! The creators said the game wasn't really a sequel, it was just taking place from another persons view. Instead of following Baker it follows Hartsock, because people wer... Read Full Review